1. It it easy to use?
2. How does it attach to a door?
For a secure fit, use a door that opens away from you and into a room. This enables the door frame to hold the 1 Minute Workout System securely. Slide the bottom of the 1 Minute Workout System underneath the bottom of the door and place the top of the 1 Minute Workout System over the top of the door. Close the door making sure it is securely closed. If the doors are taller, simply slide out the gray foam core and insert it into another built-in slot. The carrying handle also contains a built-in door stop that can be used for even taller doors.
3. Can anyone use it?
The system was designed to be appropriate for everyone at any age and fitness level.
4. Where can you use it?
Anywhere you are (home, office or traveling) and have access to a door.
5. How do you use it?
After the 1 Minute Workout System has been securely attached to the door, select the appropriate resistance band for your level of fitness. Slide the band through the straps at the character depicting the exercise you wish to perform. The muscles are highlighted in red on each character.
6. How many exercises can you perform on the 1 Minute Workout System?
The most desired areas to be exercised were selected to be used on the 1 Minute Workout System. There are over 130 variations of exercises using the 1 Minute Workout System.
7. Can you really exercise for a little as ONE minute per day and still exercise every muscle group in only SEVEN minutes per week?
Yes, by choosing a different muscle group each day.
8. Can you really get results in just ONE minute?
Yes! Just follow the maximum deep muscle stimulation technique.